Joe Biden! Come on down!

For better or worse, Sen. Joe Biden is "The One." The best out of the best. The closest thing to Hillary Clinton's talent for pugilism without the whole "we hate each other" pathos. And yeah, he's said some borderline ignorant things about black people and Asians. So he'll need a little refresher course in political correctness 101. Newsweek argues that Biden was just the change Barack Obama needed.
In public, Obama's aides argue there are two main factors that make Biden attractive: his foreign policy experience, and his image as a humble family man from Wilmington, Del. While Biden has decades of experience on Capitol Hill, he commutes to Wilmington each day, and has maintained what sounds like an unscripted voice.
But in private, they point to a much more immediate and strategic reason for his elevation to veep nominee: his killer instincts as a campaigner and his cultural reach.
Obama's aides admire Biden's skills as a debater and chief surrogate who can fillet the Republican ticket in speeches and media interviews. For all his problems as a verbose questioner in the Senate, he proved he could turn a one-liner and land a zinger better than almost anyone campaigning for president this year. Biden's abilities to play the role of attack dog was a winning argument for his selection, allowing Obama himself to remain above the fray.
"He'll have a fist in the face of John McCain every day and I think he has this level of gravitas as well," said one senior adviser to Obama. "We're lucky to have both. It showcases Obama's judgment that he chose somebody like this—a good pick not just for August or October, but a good pick in the event that something happens when he's president of the United States."
I usually try to keep my emotions out of this whole deal, with the knowledge that this is political theater that is meant to invoke reverberations of hope and optimism. I want to stay focused on the issues and not the drama, but I have to admit, I got a little verklempt during Biden's anointing to veep candidate.

There was something about seeing this come full circle from Obama's announcement in Springfield, Ill. to him becoming the presumptive nominee to now selecting his running mate and giving that old dog Biden a chance to bask in Barack's 100 watt glow. In my heart I want Barack to win, but when I game the system in my head I always see him lose. It's a frustrating thing, being for a candidate but worrying that despite his talent and skills he could still lose due to a myriad of factors based on the electoral college map.
As I watched and listened I said to Papa Snob, "God, I hope I'm wrong and he wins."
And Papa said, "If he doesn't it won't be because he didn't have the opportunity."
And that's what was magic about it. He seized the moment and went for broke. He is popular. He is liked. He is the nominee. He's in the lead. He is becoming the de facto head of the party. He is ascending and it is brilliant to watch. Papa and I are amazed. You always hope for it, but never in our lives did we think we'd see it.
During the Missouri Primary Papa admitted that he voted for Hillary out of logic, but his heart was always rooting for Obama. He's so proud, yet like me, so worried about this election. It's still early, but the polls are too close for someone so young, fresh and new to be barely edging out mister old, grumpy and devoid of ideas. Perhaps the polling is off. After all, it's not reaching the millions of people who use their cell phones as their primary line.
Therefore when I saw the "Obama Biden" signs and I saw them on stage together I felt a little twinge of hope. The hard, cold ice of my cynical political heart melting a bit for a long sought after dream.

This is not my favorite dress of Michelle's, but I have to admit, future FLOTUS was looking hot. Hair on point. Make-up and skin, flawless. Femme, yet fierce. Casual, yet perfect for the great significance of this day. And look at the smile on Barack's face. I can almost hear him saying, "Wheeeee, I'm the nomineeeee!"

Barack leaves Chicago airport, greets Illinois State Troopers.

Sen. Joe Biden kisses his family good-bye. After years of trying to get to the White House he finally has a golden ticket on Obama Force One. He's ready to go to work.

They once fought for the top of the ticket. Now they've joined forces to fight John McCain and The Machine. Biden may have a big mouth, but I'd rather have that dog sicked on anyone but the "O" man.

It's a love fest! Everyone feel the duel power of two powerful senators embarking uncharted political waters while their flawless, femme yet fierce wives cheer them on. But it gets more adorable! Looks like Michelle has a new BFF!

Did I mention that Michelle looks ravishing in these pictures? Makes me forget how much I hate that dress' pattern. She and Jill Biden look wondrous. United they stand, quite fabulously, for Obama-Biden in '08.
All photos are by Reuters, AFP and The Associated Press.
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