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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Sick of Sarah Palin Club (No Palins Allowed!)

Are you suffering from Sarah Palin media blitz fatigue? Do you tire of commentators and Palin fans not admitting how batshit insane, pandering and irresponsible her selection is? That with just our rotten luck John McCain will win and pull a William Henry Harrison leaving us with this person as our national nightmare babysitter?

Quelle horror!

Because I don't know about you, but when I see a picture of Palin, I think of this woman.

She's a coherent version of Elisabeth Hasselbeck! Run!

I share your feelings and so do countless others. Like my friend, writer/author Cintra Wilson who recently wrote the most deviant, rude, not-politically-correct, slam book-style column on Palin for Salon.com. People are complaining that it's sexist and mean, but ... that's kind of the point. John McCain picking Palin WAS sexist and mean to anyone who had common sense.

Some choice lines:

As a woman who does not believe what Palin believes, the thought of such an opportunistic anti-female in the White House -- in the Cheney chair, no less -- is akin to ideological brain rape. What this Republican blowup doll does with her own insides in accord with her own faith is her business. But, like the worst and most terrifying of religious extremists, she seems very comfortable with the idea of imposing her own views on everyone else.

And this next sample -- just tellin' it like it is.

The Republicans are, in effect, saying: We're not going to win this race on the basis of being the better candidates. Barack Obama is going to make you think. You don't like thinking. Here's an It Girl vice president who is easy on the eyes, you stodgy old white baby boomer. She's like a grown-up version of Mary Ann from "Gilligan's Island." She embodies the raw conviction that everything the Republicans have ever done has been right. She'll make you feel better about yourself for voting for Bush. Twice.

Relax: The war is God's plan. (Or whatever.) Women, even if they are vice president, can always look pretty, worship their husbands in the fear of God and never, ever resist invasions from unwanted sperm.

And my favorite line:

Sarah Palin may put out to be popular, but the rest of America's women don't need to do the same.

To read the whole column, click here.

Some other folks insulted -- the legion of women at Women Against Sarah Palin.

Hearkening back to the proto-feminists of the Women's Suffrage movement, these ladies are non-too-happy with the Republican Party thinking women vote with their vaginas. They find the whole notion of Sarah Palin: Feminist Icon as a rude farce considering she's almost anti-everything in the grand feminist manifesto.

Checkout their paeans of pissed-off-ness:

I am appalled at the thought of Sarah Palin in the No. 2 spot in this country. McCain says he wants 'change,' but his downright hypocrisy in choosing her is shining through. McCain has finally, openly, shown his disdain for the intelligence of the American woman, and surrendered his vaunted maverick title to the Bush/Cheney/Rove ultra-Conservatives.

Does McCain really think that the women of America will vote for a Sarah Palin who agrees with those policies and worse, just because she's a woman???

-Portia D. (I'm 76, and thought I'd seen the worst in all these years. Wrong!), Staten Island

I oppose Sarah Palin because she is John McCain's running mate. John McCain, the man who laughed when one of his supporters called Hillary Clinton a b*tch. The man who has promised to nominate extreme right-wing judges to the Supreme Court. It doesn't matter what Sarah Palin stands for (though in fact she stands with McCain on these issues), because you wouldn't be voting for Palin for president, you'd be voting for McCain.

-Janet L., 44, Palo Alto, CA

You're not alone, snobs. Sensible people of the world cry tears of WTF with you. This is where the healing begins.


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