Sugary treats for hope n' change! The first three pictures are from Cupcakes Take the Cake and you can see an entire Flickr collection of desserts for Obama clicking here. It's deliciously young, fresh and new!

All right. I'm starting to get hungry for change. I hope I will find one of these cupcakes that I have been waiting for, cupcakes I can believe in.

Mmmm ... It's some delectable chocolate treats featuring the faces of Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey by the Cosmic Chocolate Shop. Barack comes in a chocolatey espresso and cognac flavor. Oprah is raspberry ganache. Gotta say, that's a pretty good cartoon likeness.

And here is the Obama cake that befuddled the folks at Wonkette who asked "Is America Ready For A Chocolate Cake?"
Wonkette Operative “Tim” sends us this great picture of an Obama cake his “wife” made over the weekend. Suspiciously, the cake voted “present” when asked if it wanted to be eaten, and there’s a damning YouTube video of this cake’s Muslim Christian pastor asking God to “damn” angel food cake.
Courtesy of reader Chocolate Overkill, the same reader who brought you the ChocObama!
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