As always, I am looking for additions to The Great Wall of Sexy (always under construction), my effort to collect all sorts of people, dead and alive, who are hot.
Here are some recent nominations by myself and some readers. Please explain why you think this person is incredibly doable. Looks is not the sole factor of hotness. Personality, talent and intellect are also included. Like for instance, my favorite member of the Wall of Sexy includes a shy, multi-ethnic Princeton grad with prison breaking abilities. I also think Jon Stewart is sexy, as I've declared on the Wall of Sexy page that I would hit that. Seriously. And I've shamelessly hit on Rosario Dawson and Jill Marie Jones for being unbelievably good looking.
I'm so jealous.
Remember, the Great Wall of Sexy is a multicultural exercise. The man or woman of your lust can be anyone from Alex Wek to Scarlett Johanssen, Idris Elba to Simon Baker. And I have a dearth of Asian/Pacific Islanders on my hot wall as the blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Spaniards, whites, all kinds of Europeans and Africans dominate the wall.
Tell me, baby. Who do you love?
Candidate #1: Ed Quinn
Nominated by reader Dory:
I am writing to make a case for adding the 6'4", hunk of gorgeous man meat that is Ed Quinn to the Great Wall of Sexy. I have attached evidence in the form of several jpeg images. It is also worth noting that in addition to being easy on the eyes he's a Berkeley grad, surfer, guitar player and all around nice guy who does charity work and everything. And he has a killer deep voice. He's all man in the best possible ways. For you, it's TJ Holmes, for me it's Ed Quinn. Pleeeeeaaaassseee add him to the wall. It would make me feel so happy
The photographic evidence:

Candidate #2: R&B Singer O'Bryan
Nominated by Yvette:
Checked your Wall of Sexy, coulda-woulda-please ma'am one day add R&B singer O'Bryan?
The Photographic (and musical) Evidence:
Dig the crazy 80s, Micheal Jackson-esque military jacket and the pop n' locking, moonwalking dancers.
Candidate #3: Actor Aaron Eckhart (Thank You For Smoking, The Dark Knight)
Why: Aaron Eckhart may be the best looking, best acting Mormon in Hollywood. And for a nice guy he plays a great villain.
Candidate #4: Singer Mya Harrison (My Love Is Like Whoa, Best of Me, the film "Chicago")
Some people hate Mya, but I always thought she was hot. Yeah, sometimes she tries too hard. (My Love is Like Whoa ... Fer real, sister?) But she's a beaut and she can tap dance. I'd love to see her get into more musical theater, a la Jasmine Guy as that is what she was originally trained, studying with Savion Glover.
Candidate #5: Actor James LeSure (Vegas)
I like a bald head sometimes. I'm fickle in that way.
Candidate #6: Hong Kong Actress Maggie Chueng (Heroic Trio, In the Mood For Love, 2046 and Hero)
Maggie is gorgeous. She's wonderful actress and can work the movie Kung Fu.
Candidate #7: Actress Debra Messing (Will & Grace, The Starter Wife, the film "The Women")
She's a redhead.
Candidate #8: Actress Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars, Heroes, the films "Spartan" and "Forgeting Sarah Marshall")
I loved "Veronica Mars." So sad when it was canceled.
Candidate #9: Comedian Bill Bellamy (How To Be A Player, Booty Call concert)
He's begging you! Let his sexy in!
Candidate #10: Commenter protest pick, actor Jang Dong Gun (after disapproving of K-pop singer Rain making the Wall)
Candidate #11: Singer Nelly Frutado (Promiscuous, Say It Right, I'm Like A Bird)
Repping Canada-by-the-way of Portugal sexy.
*Earlier there was a mislabeled black and white picture of actor Thomas Jane under Aaron Eckhart's ballot.
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