Celebrity Photos Fashion

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Obama Family Hits The Final Lap: Bruuuuuuuce In Ohio!

Rocking her yellow J. Crew sweater she wore on Jay Leno last week (and the sparkle pin as a clasp) Michelle Obama, the dude she's married to who's running for president (I think his name is Barack or something) and the double-doses of adorableness known as Sasha and Malia Obama continued their "Award Tour" of voter encouragement. Elect their daddy n' husband, folks! If only because I want to see Michelle get to wear high heels and be dressed in D.C.'s finest and to see two of the world's cutest First Daughters ... like ever. MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE, PEOPLE! PAINT THE WHITE HOUSE "ADORABLE!"'

Warning: Once again, you may choke on the cuteness. I only say this, because if you are a Negro or part Negro or another minority not used to seeing anyone who looks like you at this high of level you could pass out from Obama Cuteness Overload through the sheer delight of seeing them all herded together reminding you of your own family or the family you wish you had or you might just be happy to see adorable brown people. White people, you too can be afflicted with this same Obama Cuteness Overload although is more of a Keep Hope Alive disorder, where you just really, really believe in this thing and WANT IT like the Celtics wanted the NBA title last season.

We all want it, man. We all do.

But you're not quite as sensitive to it. Us colored folk tend to get a little excited when we see ourselves and then shortly fall out as we recognize this as being the greatest thing ever and that we will be devastated if it ever ends.


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