Celebrity Photos Fashion

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Obama Family Hits The Final Lap: Pueblo, Colo.

The Obama Family is taking the show on the road for the final days of the campaign. While they aren't riding around in a psychedelic bus, singing, "Hey! You Think You Want to Vote for My Dad So What Are You So Afraid Of?" Here is the first part of a much larger gallery of the last two days the Obamas on the road as a family unit, spreadin' a lil hope n' change. But please, view the pictures with restraint. I don't need a bunch of you overdosing on some crazy Daddy loves his wife and daughters time.

Look who's ready to see daddy get off the big plane? Michelle and the girls, Sasha and Malia, waited happily in Pueblo, Colo. for the Daddy Obama to get out of his jet and kick off the mini family reunion.

OK. I'm starting to go into diabetic shock and all my cavities are humming. I might have the "Sasha Obama and her snaggle teeth are too cute for me" Enbola virus. Sasha Obama + pigtails + snaggle teeth + daddy-daughter pick-me-ups = I'm just going to lie down for awhile. You guys finish looking at the pictures without me.

And now that everyone is reacquainted (and completely jazzed about being together), it's off to get a little grub and do a little stumpin'.

Oh, kids! I remember when I skipped everywhere. It just seemed like the best mode of operation. All the exhilaration of running with only half the work.

Now on to the rally.


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