Celebrity Photos Fashion

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Obama Family Hits The Final Lap: Springfield, Mo.

Michelle warmed up the crowd and Barack and the girls got everyone up and hopping in Springfield, Mo. as the Obama Family continued their final lap to hopeful victory Tuesday.

Will it happen? I know it better or I'm taking a mental health month. I gots that Black People's Election Night Nervousness, the BPENN, something awful. I realize most Obama supporters are jumping with excitement over his lead and how great everything is going and how John McCain participated in some hilarious, ritualistic humiliation on Saturday Night Live, but I'm a Negro. I suffer from Chronic Negro Disappointment Syndrome, aka CNDS. It's an epidemic. Obama's message of "hope" isn't about just kitten and flowers for some people allege. Hope is an actual dare for us CNDS sufferers, telling us to stop clinging to our cynicism and asthma medication and live without fear.

So while I pop some Adavan, please enjoy these lovely shots of more Barack holding Sasha and the Obamas looking incredibly dynamic in these last days before the big vote.


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