All right. Who is orchestrating these things? Stephen Spielberg? Cecil DeMille? Starring a cast of thousands. In fact, a cast of two-hundred thousand? TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND GERMANS? In Berlin, waving American flags, cheering for the-man-who-could-be-president?
Three words: Jimminy Fucking Crickets.
This makes American Obamamania pale in comparison.
I'd love to see what would happen if he showed up in Africa. Like a pit stop in West Africa at the "point of no return" or better yet, in Kenya or South Africa? I know South Africa has nothing to do with our presidential race, but can't you see that? So many American blacks emphasized with and fought at home for divestment in South Africa during Apartheid because we were living under our own Apartheid from the end of slavery to the 1960s. The symbolism of South Africa, which had its free election resulting in their first African leader, Nelson Mandela. And to have Obama show up? And if Mandela was there? Imagine the head explosions. My cynical head would implode. It's that deep. I soooo want Barack to go to Africa. I want him to go everywhere there are brown people who've been told they're not good enough or are dysfunctional. I want him to be a giant walking, talking weapon of mass inspiration to black people throughout the diaspora.
But that's me.
Still, two-hundred thousand folks in Berlin and the best John McCain, his "worthy" opponent, could come up with was a photo-op at a German American restaurant and his usual caterwauling/sour grapes/brier patchin' because he "goaded" Barack into this award tour and now he's learned this is what the O-Man planned all along.
It'll be OK, McCain. It'll be over soon. The press will stop holding their mouths agape ... along with the rest of the world. They'll report on you again, someday. Think of Lil' Orphan Annie, Johnny-Be-Good.
Barack will come home tomorrow,
Betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow ... he'll be doneWhen you're stuck with a day, that's gray and the press leaves you lonely!
Just stick out that chin and spin and saaaaay!
Baaaa-rack will be home tomorrow!
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may!
Tommorrow! Tommorrow! You'll be news again, tomorrow!
Seriously. If Barack loses this thing, I swear ... I call shenanigans.
*Pictures from The Associated Press and Reuters
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