Celebrity Photos Fashion

Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards Admits Affair

And I'm not surprised. He says, Rielle Hunter was not his lover, she's just a girl he screwed a few times who thinks he is the one, but the kid is not his son! He claims another married guy, an Edwards campaign staffer, is the father.

Oh, OK. Way to make yourself look like a complete tool, considering your wife has incurable cancer and all. No big!

Guess that eliminates one Obama veep possibility!

I have to say I'm not really surprised. I realize that a lot of people liked Edwards this go round, but for me he was still Mr. Perfect-Hair-McSmiley-Face from 2004 who couldn't win his home state. I liked that he was running on a populist theme and all. Goodness knows folks just act like America doesn't have poor people, but I have to say ... not a fan. And I thought people were on crack when he was suggested for veep as I doubted the second time would be a charm.

That said, Gawker and a host of other blogs have been bitching for months about the Washington press, among others, who were ignoring this story, but again, it's about a sexual affair involving a dude not running for president who currently holds no public office. At the end of the day, this is a story of famous, rich douche cheats on wife, hurts family, annoys millions, joins the political branch of the "Can't Keep It In the Pants" club.

Current and past members include: current Republican Presidential candidate John McCain, former New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer, 42nd president of the United States Bill Clinton, Senator Larry Craig of Idaho, Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, Rep. Mark Foley of Florida, current New York Gov. David L. Paterson, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, former Democratic Presidential Primary candidate Gary Hart, former Democratic Presidential Primary candidate Jesse Jackson, three US presidents known by their initials: JFK, FDR and LBJ, Third President of the United States Thomas Jefferson, etc., etc., etc. ...

Engrave another name on the wall!


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