Celebrity Photos Fashion

Friday, October 8, 2010

PR: Congratulations!

Project Cray-cray.

So...whatever happened to "These are just clothes, this isn't fashion?" Guess that kinda got tossed out the window when Heidi has money to make.

It's always so heartwarming when the designers are reunited, isn't it? Camaraderie, friendship, love.

Bitch on the loose in the workroom. You could see poor Tim was a nervous wreck. He always takes the side of the designers and Heidi was being kind of rude, but you know what? That's NOTHING compared to what these designers would have been subject to were this in actual work situation. She pushed some buttons, but she did get some of the designers to move in a different direction.

Awesome judge. Sympathetic, but with very on-point critiques. Bring her back every week, PR.

So congrats to Andy! He had some close competition from Mondo, but aside from that he was clearly head and shoulders above the other entries.

Clearly, the term "activewear" means whatever the hell anyone wants it to mean. We wouldn't have thought a dress would fall into the category, but if there is such a thing as an activewear dress, then this would be an example of a good one.

Easy, breezy, sexy and chic. In fact, strange as it sounds to us, it somehow manages to be both chic and a little street, meaning if she'd paired it with sneakers instead of heels, it would still look cute. Possibly even cuter.

And we take Nina's point that there's a little bit of a Halloween vibe going on here. Once you see the skull, you can't un-see it.

But that only makes it more interesting. We love the way he did the stripes here and in the dress. They give the looks an easy, unstructured, almost organic feel that feels right for the line.

This is the only look we don't capital-L Love. Probably because, unlike the previous two looks, this one looks like what we THOUGHT was the definition of activewear; that is to say, clothes you would wear to work out in. Which is fine. We guess the stylish gal could rock something like this in her yoga class. The pants tie in with the other looks, but we feel like that top is just very basic and could have been paired with any of the other designers' looks on the runway. It wasn't as strong as his other pieces.

In a way, this challenge really spoke to Andy's talents because he has a very youthful, modern, "street" kinda take (remember Jackie O's massive cargo pants?) on clothes. When the challenge was announced we predicted it would come down to him and Mondo and we were right. Happy to see him squeeze out another win. He's one of the most talented of the lot and he hasn't been getting the recognition of, say Mondo, or to a lesser extent, Gretchen.

And if you're looking to buy any of his pieces or just want to check out the final product, you can go to the New Balance page on Amazon here to see the whole thing.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com - Video Credit: myLifetime.com - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/myLifetime.com]

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PSYCH! You were scared there for a minute, weren't you?

We had a blast at the New Balance party last night (more pictures coming) sitting with Ivy on one side of us and Peach on the other, both yammering away non-stop. We enjoyed the hell out of ourselves and had a great time with all the designers last night, Ivy included (to the consternation of a lot of cray crays in T LOunge last night). But Ivy? As much fun as we had with ya, and as much as we sympathize with you because of all the behind-the-scenes stuff,

Girl, you were a stone-cold bitch last night.

Look: IF the designers are not allowed to use double-sided tape to keep their dresses in place (and we've been informed that the producers told them they couldn't) and IF Michael did use it (something that several designers "confirmed" when Tim asked about it), then yes, that is cheating. But you know what? So what? It's a stupid rule to begin with because there isn't a runway show that doesn't utilize it and besides, it had no effect on the outcome. He didn't win the Jackie challenge.

No, the only reason Ivy brought this up is because she wanted to stir up some shit (as witnessed by her going around the workroom stirring up shit) and because, let's face it, she was bitter that he's still there and she's not. Bad form, girl. Very bad form.

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Celebrity Photos Fashion